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Jaclyn A. Siegel, PhD

Social Psychologist

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About Me


My name is Dr. Jaclyn Siegel, and I am a social psychologist. I presently work as a Research Scientist within the Department of Public Health Research at NORC at the University of Chicago.


My research focuses on the intersections between gender, culture, bodies, and sexuality. Some topics I study include: eating disorders, sexual objectification, sexual violence, sexual desire, weight stigma, and sexist attitudes. I have conducted research with various populations, including people living with and recovering from eating disorders, LGBTQ+ communities, adolescents, physicians, and active-duty military personnel. I have published nearly 30 peer reviewed articles on my various research interests (and, yes, I am very down for nearly any collaboration you have in mind -- please get in touch!).


I am also a bit of a methods and ethics nerd, and I have written and presented on topics related to qualitative methods, participant rights, and open science. I can also geek out for days about psychometrics (and often do!). I am a regular reviewer for academic journals, and I sit on the editorial boards at Psychology of Women Quarterly, Psychology of Men and MasculinitiesSex Roles, Body Image, and Frontiers in Social Psychology. I am also the social media coordinator and APA style editor at Psychology of Women Quarterly.



I have three primary streams of research: body image and eating disorders, gender and sexuality, and research ethics and methodology.


Teaching is one of my great joys. My teaching philosophy is informed by feminist pedagogy, and I strive to create safe, fun spaces in my classrooms.


Knowledge dissemination is an essential part of the research process, and communicating with the public is an essential part of my scholarship.

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